If this page doesn’t provide you with the answers to your questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We are happy to help.
You will need to bring a form of photographic ID with you (driving licence or passport).
We buy all ferrous and non-ferrous metals including batteries and end of life vehicles.
Our prices can change daily according to the market on that day. To find out the most up to date prices please contact us on 01761 452209 the day you plan to bring in your metal.
Yes! You can turn up anytime between our opening hours as long as you have photographic ID with you.
To book in any service we offer please contact us on 01761 452209 and we will be happy to assist you in any way possible.
No! We will purchase any quantity of metal from 1kg and up to no maximum.
Our storage yard in Radstock is not manned. Please contact us on 01761 452209 for any queries you may have, and we will be happy to help!
If you choose to have a cheque this will be issued instantly once your metal is weighed. If you choose to have a ‘BACS’ transfer then this will be paid into your account between 4pm-4:30pm that same day.
Yes we are fully insured when transporting your goods!